Notice: Office Closure
Our office will be closed the week of July 22nd to the 26th. We apologize for any inconvenience and will resume regular operations on July 29th. Thank you for your understanding.

Spring Break Tooth Care Tips

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Tooth Care: Whether you are headed somewhere fun—or doing a “staycation” over this spring break, there are a few things you should consider that could affect your dental health. Check out our tips below for a smile-friendly Spring Break!


Routine is important when it comes to dental care. Brushing your teeth twice a day (in the morning and before bed) is part of our day-to-day. Yet, when on vacation we may wake later and go to sleep later. This can disrupt our schedule and we may forget to follow the regular maintenance plan. Try to keep to regular brushing and flossing, as much as possible – even by setting an alarm to remind you.


Spring break sometimes involves alcohol and alcohol consumption can cause a few tooth-related problems. Sometimes when we have a little more than usual to drink, we occasionally misjudge the distance to our mouths and hit a tooth with a glass or bottle. And often this causes a small chip! Care is important in these situations, and when the unfortunate does occur give us a call at 480-376-1236.

Not-So-Healthy Choices

During Spring Break some people also indulge in extra junk food, or sugary drinks. While this is OK in moderation on special occasions, it is important to drink plenty of water, and brush after sugary or sticky foods to counter these temporary


If you are lucky enough to travel on your Spring Break, enjoy it! But with travel comes some complications with using your regular toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. When you travel, try to keep things as “normal” as possible, with your regular brand of tooth care products—and protect the toothbrush from germs with a good travel-cover.

Spring Break is a time to enjoy and relax—which is good for your overall health. However, it is important to take care to maintain or oral health during this time. If you find yourself with a free hour or two, we do have open appointments, and would love to see you for your cleaning. Contact us today.

Dr. Brandon Schmidt | 10-February-2020

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